I am pleased to welcome Mike Meyer author of Covert Dreams here today on Book Flame
I am most creative in the morning, right after breakfast. I have always been a morning person. Very often I will be lying in bed and a sudden bit of inspiration will hit me, and I jump up and run to my study, where I quickly jot down a few notes to myself as to what I will incorporate into my Work in Progress, which, by the way, is a mystery entitled THE DEADLY EYES OF ST. CROIX, set in the midst of this beautiful island where I was an English professor for four years at the University of the Virgin Islands.
My real inspiration, though, that really gets my creative juices flowing, is when I take my morning walk, right before breakfast. As I walk along in silence, exercising my heart and body, my mind is at full speed ahead, always focused of that day’s writing, ideas swirling around my brain like flies at a picnic. I sometimes find my pace picking up as I hurry home to jot down that morning’s ideas. Sometimes I even skip breakfast and get right on the computer. On those days, I am on a roll. I am unstoppable. I write furiously, often not stopping until I hear my wife say that it is time for lunch, or even for dinner. On those days, I have no idea where time has gone. It is as if I have just recently sat down to write.
COVERT DREAMS, my international thriller, came about this way. My doctor, at my last checkup, asked me what I would be doing with myself now that I am retired. When I told him that I would travel, he nodded his head. When I told him that I would read a lot, he nodded his head. But when I told him that I would be writing, he waved his finger in my face and told me to write, write, and write since it was so healthy for my mental faculties, much more so even than reading, so I took my doctor’s advice. I exercise my body as I exercise my brain, the best of both worlds.
About Covert Dreams
About the Author
Mike Meyer recently retired from a 40-year career as a professor of writing, amassing numerous teaching awards along the way from both his students and his colleagues. He lives in the Southern California wine country with his wife, Kitty, and their two other cats. Many years ago, he was a student in Germany. He has since visited Munich numerous times. He also was a professor at the University of Petroleum and Minerals in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, and has traveled extensively throughout the Middle East. The locales he writes about here are real.
Writing and reading and taking long walks: sounds like a beautiful dream.