I would like to welcome debut author Joan Swan to Book Flame.
Spending too much time with too many bad boys!
I've been a sonographer for twenty years and one of the hospitals where I worked gained a huge prisoner clientele over a year’s time span. I went from scanning two or three prisoners a week to scanning five to eight prisoners every single morning, so I spent half my day surrounded by guards and inmates.
The more I understand their routines and procedures, the more clearly I recognized how easily something could go wrong with something as simple as one tip off from someone inside the hospital to a prisoner’s family member or one officer off his game that day. Many, many times I was left in dangerous situations with prisoners that should have never been allowed to exist.
I was lucky, nothing ever happened. But that didn’t keep me from thinking, “What if…?”
2. Can you see yourself in any of your characters?
LOL, I wish. But then, that’s the point, right? As readers, we want to watch compelling characters go after what they want. Compelling characters go above and beyond. They do all the things we wish we could do. They are us if we could life again. So, maybe certain elements of my characters are those I had in a previous life.
3. What character intrigued you the most as the author? And why?
Oh, man, that’s like choosing a favorite child. And like children, they all intrigued me in different ways for different reasons.
How Teague’s life inside prison would affect him once he was outside again and in desperate situations fascinated me. Keeping him in character—a man who’s lived inside a concrete box alongside animals for the last three years while attempting to maintain some element of humanism—was a constant reality check.
Alyssa’s internal drive to succeed and her tricky family relationship struggle was tricky to portray when she’s faced with life threatening situations, which, of course, always alter all perceptions.
Luke, the poor bastard, was actually fun to write because I knew what an awesome book he was getting next, so torturing him was so much easier. And the complex relationship between Luke and Teague was fabulous to write, as it gave both characters so much texture.
And Mitch, my stellar smartass shark. Man, he has been so freaking much fun to write, but I feel wrong saying he’s the most fun, because, well, he’s not my hero…yet.
4. Do you have any other books in the works? Goals for future projects?
I have MANY books in the works. Don’t all writers? My most pressing and the one I’m spending 99% of my time on at the moment is a two time Golden Heart finalist, which I’m revising for Indie publication in April 2012. INTIMATE ENEMIES is about a woman on a quest for answers in the death of her family and a man dedicated to keeping her from getting those answers in the name of US national security. And when these two clash—up close and personal, sparks fly.
I also have a partial proposal pending to continue the Phoenix Rising series with Kensington. INFERNO is Jessica and Quaid’s book and I’m really excited to write it.
5. If you could co-author a book with any author who would it be?
Elisabeth Naughton. Elisabeth and I have been critique partners for over five years. We both have varied strengths and I admire her writing and am awed by her worth ethic and drive. Plus, it often feels like we share the same brain. We could finish each others’ sentences. I trust Elisabeth to make decisions for me, because not only does she know me that well, but she would take my wants and needs and thoughts into account before casting my vote. And one of the most important things to consider when choosing a co-author is editing style. Elisabeth and I are open to criticism and suggestions and if, after considering that criticism and suggestions, either of us choose to leave our work the way it is…we’d both be fine with that.
6. If you could travel back in time and meet yourself as a 10 year old what advice would you give?
Believe in yourself. Believe you can be or do anything you want to be. Believe that if you have a dream, go for it because you’ll find a way to achieve it. Ignore the naysayers.
7. What is the one quote that inspires you above all others?
One word at a time. It’s my own, and it keeps me going, reminding me that big progress is made in baby steps.
About The Author

In her day job, she works as a sonographer for one of the top ten medical facilities in the nation and lives on the California central coast in beautiful wine country with her husband and two daughters.
Book Blurb
Release Date: 2/28
When Dr. Alyssa Foster is taken hostage by a prison inmate, she knows she's in deep trouble. Not just because Teague Creek is desperate for freedom, but because the moment his fingers brush against her skin, Alyssa feels a razor-sharp pang of need...
A man with a life sentence has nothing to lose. At least Teague doesn't, until his escape plan develops a fatal flaw: Alyssa. On the run from both the law and deadly undercover operatives, he can only give her lies, but every heated kiss tells him the fire between them could be just as devastating as the flames that changed him forever...
A man with a life sentence has nothing to lose. At least Teague doesn't, until his escape plan develops a fatal flaw: Alyssa. On the run from both the law and deadly undercover operatives, he can only give her lies, but every heated kiss tells him the fire between them could be just as devastating as the flames that changed him forever...
· A print copy of FEVER, US/Canada shipping.
Share your favorite quote or ask Joan a question to enter to win a print copy of FEVER!
· All comments here qualify towards an entry for the blog tour grand prize: A Nook or Kindle Fire! Winners choice.For more Details visit Joan Swan’s website: http://joanswan.com/giveaways/blog-tour-ereader/.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
"Reality is for people who lack imagination."
DeleteI love your book cover for Fever. I understand that you have a very busy life with work so where do you find time to write? Do you make time every day?
ReplyDeleteHi Jennifer, Yes, life is very crazy busy. I'm forever trying to slow it down, simplify. And it seems to backfire. :) But in a good way. Life is full and wonderful. I'm blessed.
DeleteI believe we make time for things that are true priorities. For some people they go crazy if everything isn't in its place, so their house is always clean and tidy. Others thrive on the environment, so they spend a lot of time recycling and participating in beach cleanups. Many strive to succeed in their chosen career and work many hours a day.
Writing is my passion as well as my career, so I definitely make it a priority. I know that succeeding depends on that everyday writing -- or everyday work related to writing -- and I do it.
Isaac Newton said, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." If I don't write or work on work-related activity (promotion, marketing, blogging, plotting, learning, reading,etc), the reaction would be lack of growth.
I know NOT doing something can be argued as not being an action, but I see it as one. I parallel Newton's quote of action = reaction as choice = consequence.
Great question!!
What's your favorite book series?
ReplyDeleteLol I suck at asking questions! thanks for the great giveaway!
Hi Sarah,
DeleteLOL, That's okay, I suck at answering book related questions. :) I'm such a fickle, eclectic reader, I'm sad to say I'm not loyal to much. My favorite series is my critique partner's (Elisabeth Naughton) Eternal Guardian series, partly because I'm as invested in her characters as I am mine and partly because she such a fantastic writer and storyteller, I can't NOT love them. As far as a series I'm not invested in, I'd have to say the last one I've been attached to was Nancy Drew.
But...now that I'm thinking about it...there is one series I'm rather enthralled in and waiting for the next book (which is incredibly unlike me). In fact, so unlike me, I don't know the name of the series...just the characters. I have to go look it up...*pause*...
It's Karin Slaughter's Georgia series with protagonist/hero Will Trent. She has a book coming out in summer called Criminal -- I don't know what it's about or if it's even part of this series! It doesn't say on her website and I can't find anything about it online. Making me crazy!
"Normal people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet."
ReplyDeleteLOLOLOL, loooooooove it!
DeleteIs there any chance you and Elizabeth Naughton will actually write together any time soon? I mean like in the next decade or so. lol I know Elizabeth and agree that she would be a stellar choice for writing partner.
ReplyDeleteOh good Lord...*shiver*
Within the next decade? I can't imagine we *wouldn't*. We're already in parts of each others books (shhhh, don't tell our editors).
Especially considering we're both reaching into Indie. Our biggest issue is time. Neither of us have time to take on another project.
But I could very well imagine...yes. (And I think it would hell of hilarious, too.) :)
Is your first release everything you had hoped it would be?
ReplyDeleteI already have a copy of FEVER...soooo AWESOME!!!
LOL, did you realize you won ANOTHER copy? Sorry, babe, I yanked it from you. You can only be soooo lucky. Had to share the wealth.
DeleteTo your question...I'm not quite sure. I mean, I don't know that I had much in the way of expectations. I'm pretty conservative that way. I know it's been one hell of a lot more work than I thought, but that's my own fault. :) It's been far better received than I anticipated, which is thrilling!!!
“Humor is what happens when we're told the truth quicker and more directly than we're used to.”
ReplyDelete― George Saunders, The Braindead Megaphone
Hi Lilian! So very true! I love humor.
DeleteMy favorite new quote: Once you go dead no one's better in bed ~Jeaniene Frost
theangrypollo{ AT }yahoo{DOT }com
DeleteI love to write, but find myself lacking in motivation (laziness overwhelms)...How do you overcome this obstacle?
ReplyDeleteStress. When that little chicken keep screaming about the sky in the back of your head, your motivation rockets.
DeleteMy biggest issue is feeling too overwhelmed -- not from laziness, but from workload. So much to do in such a short amount of time that I become paralyzed and end up doing nothing.
For lack of motivation or laziness I'd suggest looking at your story. When I'm not interested in writing, it's usually because 1) my story isn't holding my interest which usually means a)there isn't enough conflict or b) my characters aren't developed enough b/c I don't care about them or 2) there's a problem with the manuscript that my subconscious is trying to tell me about. Once I figure out the problem, I can move forward and the motivation comes back.
Good luck!
I love this answer Joan!
ReplyDeleteWhat inspired you to write Fever?
Spending too much time with too many bad boys!
I mean, really, who doesn't love a bad boy!? I'm actually quite fond of them.
:) Me too. Though the ones in chains (the kind around wrists and ankles) I could do without. :)
Delete"Take a stand and make a mark." - Phillip Kent THE BASTARD by John Jakes
ReplyDeleteThis is how my eldest son go the name Andrew. When they made the book into a movie Andrew Stevens played Phillip. Since I loved the name Andrew and Phillips character I knew at 15 my first son would be Andrew. Has a name in a book/movie ever taken hold in you like this did to me?
Wow! That's pretty cool.
DeleteNope, can't say that it has. I've lived many names and some have stuck with me, but not to that degree.
Hi Joan
ReplyDeleteWhat inspires you to be a writer? Are there any authors who you admire or who give you inspiration? I would love to read this book. It sounds very good. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
Hi Tore,
DeleteThanks for coming by!
When I started writing, it was because I had exhausted the supply of books I loved to read and I was biding my time, entertaining myself until something new came out. Then I got hooked. Once I was hooked, I wrote because I had to. It became a compulsion. I think that's what lifetime writers have...the need to write. The saying "A calling and a curse" means volumes to us.
I'm inspired by authors for two general reasons--work ethic and craft and there are many who inspire me for these reasons.
“One day you will kiss a man you can't breathe without, and find that breath is of little consequence.”
ReplyDelete― Karen Marie Moning, Bloodfever
I love this and it is so true! Thank you for the giveaway!
kelleynutrition at gmail dot com
Oh, Kelley, thanks for sharing. That's beautiful!
Delete"I've got the Fever, I just need the Fire!" -Me!
ReplyDeleteI already won Fever (I got the email yesterday! Yeah!) Thank you, thank you, I just wanted to make sure I was entered for the Fire. I can't wait to read Fever, it sounds so good.
LOLOL, I sent your name and address to my publicist yesterday, Sue!! Enjoy!!
DeleteA favorite quote would be one that I saw on a blog. "Boys are just better in books." Isn't that the truth.
ReplyDeleteMy question for you are: What is your favorite genre to write? Also do you have any good book or author recommendations?
This book looks awesome and love, love the cover.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Hi Chris!
DeleteBoys *are* better in books! That's why we read (and write!) fiction!! :)
My favorite genre to write is this--romantic suspense or romantic suspense with paranormal elements. On recommendations, I'm assuming you mean in this same genre? And yes...I have many!
In romantic suspense:
Catherine Mann
Cindy Gerard
Suzanne Brockmann
Elisabeth Naughton (Stolen series)
Stephanie Tyler
In paranormal romance:
Larissa Ione
Elisabeth Naughton (Eternal Guardians)
Kalayna Price
Jennifer Estep
Sylvia Day
Oh, so many fantastic authors....
Two of my favorite quotes are
ReplyDelete1. Abraham Lincoln's
"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."
2. Judy Garland's
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."
I love the blurb for Fever and have it on my TRL. Thanks for the interview and good luck everyone.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
Hi Carol!
DeleteThose are awesome quotes. I could have used them this past weekend :). It's always good to push yourself to be better, but as Judy said, it's best to stay "you" when you do it.
One of my favorite quotes that I live by and can apply to all aspect of life is:
ReplyDeleteA positive attitude is difference between a bad or good day.
I really believe this and never let the bad pull me down. I learn from it and move on. The good, I rejoice in :)
Hi Na!
DeleteThis is so powerful! I just finished listening to The Secret: The Power for the second time and really believe in the power of positive thinking!
“The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.”
ReplyDelete~Friedrich Nietzsche~
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
ROTFLMAO! That is awesome!!
DeleteThere is one piece of advice my on-line brother (someone I adopted as my brother. What's eerie is that the two of us could pass as siblings) gave me. He writes poetry and stories. He told me once "Not everyone is going to like what you write. As long as you do and enjoy it, that is all that matters."
ReplyDeleteI always keep that in mind whenever I write.
LOL - Again no need to enter me for Fever. Have it, read it, loved it! Again you guys are in for such a treat with it!
And Joan! I want Mitch to have a book. Oh man, what kind of woman would be good for a shark like him? Gotta be someone who'd put him through hell. I'm sure Teague and Alyssa would agree! LOL.
You've got a brilliant adopted brother Rachel!
DeleteAnd funny you should mention Mitch, Alyssa, Teague and Mitch's heroine...because it came up in a character interview that will be on Rambling Chicks this Friday. :):):)
Those characters area always surprising me!
Congrats on your upcoming debut release, Joan. One of my favorite quotes is from Sun Tzu's Art of War, "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."
ReplyDeletejanie1215 AT excite DOT com
Hi Janie!
DeleteAnd jeez, I'm starting to feel like you guys are on the same wavelength as me because that quote is on the cover of INTIMATE ENEMIES.
Man, that's a cover I can't wait to show. :)
Oh, and Janie can't win -- cause she already did from another blog -- YAY, Janie!!
DeleteI am not sure where I saw this but I love it.
ReplyDeleteShoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
Les Brown
Book sounds amazing! I think I would really enjoy it. Thanks for the chance.
sariahwalters at gmail dot com
Oh, I like that too!! Good one!! Thanks for coming by and sharing!
DeleteCongratulations on the new book. What sort of books do you like to read?
Hi Penfield!
DeleteI'm a pretty picky, eclectic reader. Thrillers, mainstream suspense, romantic suspense, romantic comedy, some paranormal, romantic thrillers...
I start a lot of books, but I have to admit, I don't get far in most. About 1/3 to 1/2 way in some. Only finish a small percent.
Here is my favorite quote:
ReplyDelete"Learn something new from every one you meet"
Thanks :)
I love that!! Thanks for sharing!
DeleteThe world is a book
ReplyDeleteand those who do not travel
read only one page.
(St. Augustine)
tatiana_lwg (at) yahoo.com
Never heard that one Tatiana - and I love it!!
DeleteWow! I was going to say the book blurb does sound like something that could easily happen. I know we have 2 prisons near our home and where I grew up and they did have a guard run off with a prisoner at one point. This book sounds like a fun read.
ReplyDeletepefrw at yahoo dot com
Hi Rachel, We have a prison by where I went to college (and now live) that whole -- prison escape -- news does come out from time to time.
DeleteThat was an interesting interview to me. My aunt was a prison nurse and my uncle a guard at Folsom Prison in California so I've heard many things about what you described for why you chose to write this book. I don't really have a question so I guess I'll give a quote.
ReplyDeleteI love Elizabeth Peter's dry wit so I'll go with one of hers. "Emerson is constantly surprising me. (That is an excellent quality in a husband, if I may be permitted a slight digression. A man who is absolutely predictable is predictably boring.)" - p. 245, Seeing a Large Cat
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
Love it Sophia! Thanks for coming by!!
DeleteI enjoyed the post; it was a great read. I've added Fever to my must have list.
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
Thanks Tracey!!
DeleteWonderful post! Your book sounds great! I love the cover! Whew! ;D Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway!
Thanks Shadow, Kensington did a nice job with the cover :)
DeleteIt would never even occur to me that being a sonographer would put you in daily contact with prisoners... scary. Your book looks great and congratulations!
ReplyDeleteandreagrendahl AT gmail DOT com
Hi Andrea, it never occurred to me either until it happened LOLOL :) Thanks for coming by!
DeleteI have a bunch but heres one.
ReplyDelete'I've always felt that the real horror is next door to us, that the scariest monsters are our neighbors.'
- George A. Romero
LOL, Donna! I like it!!
Delete"Luke the poor bastard" LOL - I am pretty sure you will make up for the poor guys torture in Blaze. And while I am sure to enjoy the rest of the series, what I really want is Mitch's book. I am ridiculously intrigued by him. But I have a sneaking hunch you are going t drag his book out and make us crazy with desire before it finally becomes reality.
ReplyDeleteAnd ... "Wherever you go, there you are." ~ A friend when I was growing up. How is that for deep? LOL
I am not entering as I already have my own copy of this fabulous book! Best of luck to everyone else!
Kendra @ Reader's Edyn
Joan, I am loving all the interviews and excerpts. I am so happy that you are going to be able to continue this very hot series. Best of luck.
koonie2888 at yahoo dot com
Enjoyed reading the comments. Would love to read this one.