- Pub. Date: June 18, 2013
- Publisher:Strange Chemistry
- Pages:336
- Series: The Assassin's Curse #2
- Goodreads/Amazon/Book Depository

Unfortunately, Naji has enemies from the shadowy world known as the Mists, and Ananna must still face the repercussions of going up against the Pirate Confederation. Together, Naji and Ananna must break the curse, escape their enemies — and come to terms with their growing romantic attraction.
First Line: "Do you feel that?" Naji asked.
Review: So The Pirate's Wish picks up exactly where The Assassins Curse left off. Ananna and Naji are still stranded on the Isles of the Sky in hopes of being rescued by Marjani. While still stuck on the island we get to meet an awesome new character the Manticore who Ananna makes a deal with and in a way develops somewhat of a friendship with the human flesh eating manticore who wants to help Naji break the curse also but only so she can eat him. I was a little upset that her character wasn't there for the entire book.
There is one other character besides the two main ones that deserves her own spotlight and that would be Marjani. She rocked in the first book and was even more amazing in The Pirates Wish. I loved learning more about her and who she was and where she came from, oh and her relationship with not just some everyday average person but with the Queen, that came out of no where but I was totally rooting for Marjani the whole time.
Now on to our main chracters Naji and Ananna. I still loved Ananna for her badassness but I couldn't stand how she was treating Naji. And then she was just so angsty it did get annoying at times. As for Naji well he was Naji, still insecure about that scar on his face and still our brooding hero. As for the relationship between the two the book definitely started with a whirlwind of tension between the two seeing how one of the first curses to be broken was a true loves kiss in which one didn't return the affection right off the bat. And the way it ended between the two, well it was different...did it end the way I would have wished it did? nope, but when you get to know the two characters and how determined and passionate they are about what and who they are the ending made sense.
Overall I really enjoyed The Pirate's Wish and the series as a whole. There was a ton of action and fights along with pirates battling it out on their ships. There was actually a part where there were talking sharks it took a little getting used to since it was so unexpected. If you haven't picked up this series which is a duology I highly recommend it.