Authors & Books I’m Thankful For
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the Broke and the Bookish
Honestly i'm thankful for so many books and authors who have made some form of impact in my life small or large so this was a tough one to narrow down. To be fair I did five authors and five books.
Top 5 Authors
When I think of my childhood his books are the first ones that come to mind. R.L. Stine gave me my love for Horror books at a young age.
Karen Marie Moning
What an amazing writer I can't get enough of her books.
Cassandra Clare
I love her books, they provide characters and a world in which I love to throw myself into.
Johanna Lindsey
The first ever Historical Romance book I was introduced to was by her and I have loved her books since. I have a shelf full of nothing but her books.
Jennifer L. Armentrout
She Rocks! Her books are just amazing and I especially want to thank her for Daemon from her Lux series.
Top 5 Books

The Scarletti Curse by Christine Feehan: I can't get enough of this book, I just love it and find myself re-reading it every year.
Twilight by Stephanie Meyers: I had to put Twilight on here, because if it wasn't for Twilight I would never have discovered the wonderful amazing books that are in the YA genre now.

Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein: Words can't express how much I adored the poems in this book as a child. Even now as an adult when I walk past this book in a book store I get super excited and always have to pick it up and skim through it.
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry: I've never really given contemporary a chance and the few books I picked up never really convinced me to add more to my must reads list until this one.